The Grok Process.
A Better, Brighter Way.

We use a proven 5 step process that has been developed over 15 years of being in the industry and over thousands of meetings.

Step 1: Understanding Who You Are.

This is the most important step in our relationship. Because it takes more than one meeting to completely understand who you are. For me, every client is a constant learning process, where I gain new insights into understanding what matters most as their lives evolve.

Step 2: Where My Work Begins.

This is where I apply fifteen years' experience, knowledge of the markets and best-in-class resources to answer your questions. The same questions that are on everyone's minds - Have I saved enough to retire? Is my portfolio built to support my life in retirement? How will my tax situation change when I retire? I go to work to get you answers.

Step 3: Presenting Your Plan.

What I want every client to know is this - it's okay if you come to me feeling uncomfortable or uncertain about your current financial situation and prospects for retirement. That's why I'm here, to take what I understand about you and come back with a realistic plan designed as your personal roadmap toward financial security.

Step 4: We Put Your Plan into Action.

By "we," I mean the two of us in mutual agreement. From there, I open the accounts you've selected, and we begin to chart your progress. If the plan needs adjusting, it's done with your complete understanding and at your direction. I don't make a move without you.

Step 5: Partners Working Together.

That's what a relationship with a client is - a partnership. We're both committed. We're both involved. No retirement plan progresses automatically as if it's set on a timer, and our lives don't progress that way, either. As your fiduciary, it's my job to understand the financial impact of changes in the markets and in your life. During our partnership, you can expect:

  • Frequent Reviews. We'll meet in person or virtually, depending on what you're comfortable with, to keep you updated on progress, and discuss the potential taxes and risks impacting your wealth.
  • Proactive Communication. Between our regular reviews, I'll be calling to keep you informed of market conditions, growth opportunities, even how the political situation might affect the economy. I'd like to hear your ideas, what's on your mind. And I'd like to hear how you're doing.
  • Personal Account Assistance. Whatever you need, whether it's setting up a minimum required distribution from your IRA, a withdrawal or transfer between accounts, you don't need to call an 800#. Call us directly and we'll take care of it. The same goes for your family. I'm always available to assist with any financial issues or questions they might have.

Understanding Always Begins with Conversation.

Let's get together, by phone or in person, at a time convenient for you.