Taking Time to Serve Select Clients.

The most valuable resource a financial planner can provide is time. Time to listen. To get to know. To understand. For this reason, I maintain a small client list. People from all walks of life, all sharing the goal of a good life in retirement. I take time for each one, as much as they may need.

Retirees or almost there.

We have focused our practice on the needs of retirees and helping those who are 5 years away or less from retirement. By focusing on this group, it has allowed us to become experts in helping them know the best way to manage income in retirement and have built the Grok process to meet their needs.

Diligent Investors.

Wealth is built over time and so we have focused on practice on those who have over 750k in assets.

Kind Human Beings.

Life is short and so we have chosen to focus on those who want to be treated kind and have a good attitude.

Understanding Always Begins with Conversation.

Let's get together, by phone or in person, at a time convenient for you.